* New aspi driver with a full CD Audio and bus mastering support.
* New plugin (SPUSEAL) based on 0.07 source code and compiled with Visual C++ 5.0.
* New graphic plugin (GPUDX3): it uses DirectX 3.0 and D3D, it runs great even on NT4, but it needs to be fixed in some functions. Surprising, I have noted that Execute Buffers are a little faster than DrawPrimitive.
* I have tested FPSE on WinNT 2000, AND IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!
Now you can use also CPE and COFF files. Unfortunally something is missing for COFF images. I have also tried Bouncer 2 and Z2 preview:
With Bouncer 2 in PSX_EXE and CPE formats it starts but it doesn't work. With the COFF image it runs fine but gamepads are not available (not a bug of gamepad emulation, the code don't initialize them but why?).
With Z2 preview it starts but then it hangs: we must set the correct value to RA before running the exe.
Then I have converted COFF to PSX_EXE with ECO2EXE.exe and all works great. Infact this utility has added something...
Corrected a bug in JALR instruction: on the MIPS manual I have read that this opcode can use any register, not only RA, so I have fixed it, but only in CPU2.c
Corrected a bug in PRIM2.H, see LineG2,3,4 declaration.
Added script file support ("-s" option)
In the command line write
FPSE -sStart.bat
if you want to run "Start.bat"
Script files can contain the following commands:
Syntax: LOAD <filename> <address>
Load <filename> in the system ram at the specified address.
If <address> is not present, <filename> must be an EXE file.
Syntax: RUN <filename>
Similar to LOAD command, also it setup PC and SP.
Filename must be an EXE file.
With Script files now you can run more demo than before; the load order is:
1) the BIOS (if not emulated)
2) LIBPS.exe (it is always loaded if present in the current path)
3) Script file
3) Executable written in the command line
With Script files and CPE and COFF formats I could test other demos,
now I have counted 62 demos running.
GPUDx3 is not completed, but it runs FAST. Unfortunally DirectX 3.0 under NT4 doesn't support surfaces larger than the primary surface, so you must run at 1024x768 or higher with this OS, otherwise FPSE will not start. If you have DirectX 5.0 or higher this limitation has been removed even if you use older interface.
When using the new exe, make sure that:
* you have copied RSXNT.DLL and AUDIOW32.DLL in the FPSE root dir. (in previous version)
* you have copied some plugin from plugin dir to the FPSE root dir.